Posts Tagged ‘Sovereignty’
DailyTheocentrism: If salvific election were not sure, it would have been possible that Christ die for no one. – JI Packer
How absurd it is to leave such movements of reality, yea THE MAIN EVENT of the Gospel, into the hands of men.
To have a fuller version of this, read J.I. Packer’s introduction in Death of Deaths by John Owen.
“Salvific” – the adjective form of salvation (just in case) 🙂
DailyTheocentrism: Deut. 29:29 – the arrogant search for the things that cannot be known at the cost of the things that can.
God has even set the boundaries of the mind. Want to know the will of God? It is already revealed. To quote another, “95% in the Scriptures – get the 95% right and the 5% will be no problem.”
We’ve never been able to know anything fully, but we can know it truly.
DailyTheocentrism: Dependency reaches from the integrity of molecules to the trappings of men (John 15:5)
It is true. (John 15:5)
There were great ironies on the cross that D.A. Carson talks about here.
In line with that, it is true that while men were mocking the Lord on the Cross, He was, by the exercise of His will holding their molecules together; making the air respirate in their lungs that bore the blashphemous sounds to their tongues; maintaining the gravity that stayed them fast to the ground that His blood dripped upon; holding the planet on which they reside in its orbit around the sun; maintaining the integity of the universe in which IT resides. (Col. 1:17; Acts 17:28)
Even at the Cross of Calvary, it was through Him that all things are accomplished. (John 10:18)
Valley of Vision 3 – God the All
There is no comfort in anything
apart from enjoying thee
and being engaged in thy service;
Thou art All in all, and all enjoyments are what to me
thou makest them, and no more.
I am well pleased with thy will, whatever it is,
or should be in all respects,
And if thou bidst me decide for myself in any affair,
I would choose to refer all to thee,
for thou art infinitely wise and cannot do amiss
as I am in danger of doing.
I rejoice to think that all things are at thy disposal,
and it delights me to leave them there.
Then prayer turns wholly into praise,
and all I can do is adore and bless thee.
What shall I give thee for all thy benefits?
I am in a strait betwixt two, knowing not what to do;
I long to make some return, but have nothing to offer,
and can only rejoice that thou doest all,
that none in heaven or on earth shares thy honour;
I can of myself do nothing to glorify thy blessed name,
but I can through grace cheerfully surrender soul and body to thee,
I know that thou art the author and finisher of faith,
that the whole work of redemption is thine alone,
that every good work or though found in me
is the effect of thy power and grace,
that thy sole motive is working in me to will and to do is for thy good pleasure.
O God, it is amazing that men can talk so much,
about man’s creaturly power and goodness,
when, if thou didst not hold us back every moment,
we should be devils incarnate.
This, by bitter experience, thou hast taught me concerning myself.
DailyTheocentrism: . . . the purpose: His Holy Name.
DailyTheocentrism:The event of the Assyrian/Babylonian captivity for the nation of Israel was so significant that all the prophetic books are about it,the nation never fully recovered from it,the kings disappeared after it;the purpose:His Holy Name. How important is His name to us?