Posts Tagged ‘Revelation’

So, we ended our study on Eschatology . . . sorry, I couldn’t resist . . .

Here is the slide pack for our studies on Personal and Universal Eschatology. If you weren’t in the class, did you know there was a difference? Check it!

Eschatology 1


Eschatology 3

. . . perhaps today.

And for your listening pleasure,


The Revelation Song

I really like this one. Thanks 10A!

DailyTheocentrism: Deut. 29:29 – the arrogant search for the things that cannot be known at the cost of the things that can.

God has even set the boundaries of the mind. Want to know the will of God? It is already revealed. To quote another, “95% in the Scriptures – get the 95% right and the 5% will be no problem.”

We’ve never been able to know anything fully, but we can know it truly.