Posts Tagged ‘salvation’

Slidepack for Apologetics on “Can you lose your salvation?”













Attached is the Slidepack for the assurance side of the topic. I will post the non-assurance side in another post . . . and I’m sure about that




Shame on us: The Abimelech Principle

(Reposting for my Apologetics Class)

I call this the Abimelech principle, because this is a situation that we are faced with too often as Christians – namely, a non-believer providing a better example of commitment to Christ or to the Gospel than us; or in the case of Abraham (Genesis 20), being rebuked by a non-believer over ethical issues. The truth is that I do not share Christ with others enough; I do not bear witness to the truth enough; I say that I cherish Him, but clearly don’t act as if I want enough others to cherish Him.

According to this video, that might mean that I am hating people. I am not trying to be melodramatic here. I know he, like Abimelech, is an unbeliever – but, maybe he’s right.

I do not share Christ with others enough. Of that I repent.

DailyTheocentrism: If salvific election were not sure, it would have been possible that Christ die for no one. – JI Packer

How absurd it is to leave such movements of reality, yea THE MAIN EVENT  of the Gospel, into the hands of men.

To have a fuller version of this, read J.I. Packer’s introduction in Death of Deaths by John Owen.

“Salvific” – the adjective form of salvation (just in case) 🙂

DailyTheocentrism: What man cannot do-What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted.Ecc 1:15

I think too of Luke 3:5 and Acts 13:10 . . .

We are “crooked souls tryin’ to stay up straight” and it’s like chasing the wind.

May we depend . . .

May we bend . . .

May we end our striving and know that He is God.

DailyTheocentrism:Its not sin, nor the devil we are saved from . . .

Its not sin, nor the devil we are saved from, rather the wrath of God toward sin; thus we are saved from God, by God. As stated in another post, it is God’s wrath toward the unnaturalness of sin that makes the issue. Romans 1:18ff tells us that His wrath is revealed against the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men and that wrath brings about death (Rom. 6:23) – by the way, death being the ultimate enemy, in the sense that it is the ultimate event of the result of sin (Gen. 2:17). Death is also the final battle/victory (1 Cor. 15:54-57) . . . but, more on that later.