
DailyTheocentrism: The difference between us and the Bible: the Bible = Two Authors; Us = only one

Had a great talk with a brother over hermeneutics this morning and we talked about everything from the need to read, read, read the Bible to interpret properly, to senses plenoir, to Christ in the Old Testament, to Riceour’s thesis that Life is a Text. Good morning.

As we discussed, we talked about our utter dependence on the Scriptural content, because it is unique in a Holy-Spirit-Authored existence. God’s intent was sure before there was history, before people, before us, before me. So, in His self-revelation, there are truths that make time look useless and it (the Bible) is as living and fresh today as it has always been. This does not relieve the difficulty of handling it well, in it’s proper context(s), but does provide assurance of veracity as well as guidance in meaning.

God is our maker, our holder, our revelation, our revealer, our teacher, life . . . our author.

DailyTheocentrism: The sum of all divine doctrines is simply Jesus Christ- Luther

Luther’s Epistle Sermons: Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost (Minneapolis, Minnesota; The Luther Press; 1909) Excerpted from a sermon titled: The Fruits of Faith. Our Spiritual Service. Preached on the first Sunday after Epiphany on Romans 12:1-6p. http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/28464. eBook

DailyTheocentrism: If salvific election were not sure, it would have been possible that Christ die for no one. – JI Packer

How absurd it is to leave such movements of reality, yea THE MAIN EVENT  of the Gospel, into the hands of men.

To have a fuller version of this, read J.I. Packer’s introduction in Death of Deaths by John Owen.

“Salvific” – the adjective form of salvation (just in case) 🙂

DailyTheocentrism: The Image of God – maybe Anselm was right, only he lacked the perspective of Grace.

Think about it . . .

DailyTheocentrism: Deut. 29:29 – the arrogant search for the things that cannot be known at the cost of the things that can.

God has even set the boundaries of the mind. Want to know the will of God? It is already revealed. To quote another, “95% in the Scriptures – get the 95% right and the 5% will be no problem.”

We’ve never been able to know anything fully, but we can know it truly.