Author Archive

So, we ended our study on Eschatology . . . sorry, I couldn’t resist . . .

Here is the slide pack for our studies on Personal and Universal Eschatology. If you weren’t in the class, did you know there was a difference? Check it!

Eschatology 1


Eschatology 3

. . . perhaps today.

And for your listening pleasure,


Beginning studies in Research Methodology

Hey, Juniors. Here are the beginnings and a sample bibliography. Remember, the bibs are due on 4/10 at the end of class . . . and you will not have all of the class to work on them. 🙂 Also, see here for a GUIDE.

CCS Junior Thesis 1

CCS Junior Thesis 2

Bibliography for 1 John 5.8

Bibliography for Lordship

Angels, Pastors and Church Buildings – Oh, My!

Attached are slides on Angelology and Ecclesiology. Also, you can see the Study Guide for SysTheo Quaerter 3-End test.



Baptism and Eucharist



If God is good, why do people suffer? Theodicy: THE Discussion

Attached is the slide pack for Theodicy and the question of the heathen. I have also attached the Study Guide for 3rd Quarter Apologetics. Even if you are not in the class, give it a shot!


Apologetics FinalQ3end


I had a GGGRRREEEATTTTT time at River Vally Ranch Winter Meltdown 2013

What’s wrong with the world, already?!? It was turned upside down by sin. It needs to get FLIPPED back over again. Well, that is what we talked about last weekend and below are the notes from the weekend in PowerPoint form. I have also attached the pdf files that I used as notes that put the slides in a more compact form. Enjoy!

session 1

session 1

session 2

session 2

Session 3

Session 3

Session 4

Session 4