Posts Tagged ‘Jesus Christ’

CBC Youth Camp Lesson 2: How are we Satisfied?

How are we satisfied?

CBC Satisfied Session 2

CBC Youth Camp Lesson 1: Are you Satisfied?

Question 1: Should we be satisfied?

CBC Satisfied Session 1

Don’t Waste Your Life – get this in your head! Do it!

Again, I have to be grateful to God for brothers who introduce me to more great musicians to hang with and continuing transformation on every level. I recommend the entire album Rebel, by Lecrae. This song has pretty quick lyrics and this video is missing a section that is on the album, but you still get it. If you want to read the lyrics, go here.

Atonement for SIN in the Millennial Kingdom?

In this slidepack, (Ezek 38-48) we covered a brief overview of Ezekiel 38-48, merely to hit the hot buttons of the passages. One of the most profound issues in this section of the Text is the prophecy of the “prince” who will make sin offerings in the temple during the millennial reign of Christ. This has brought up so many issues that a myriad of thoughts (well, maybe not a myriad) and conclusions have arisen:

1. Maybe this is not the Millennial Kingdom

2. The offering could only be memorial

3. It’s not really a sin offering

4. Etc.

The main path that one walks to understand this passage is to remember that  what appears to be the problem – that there can be no atonement after Christ has made atonement, once for all. (Hebrews 7:17; 9:12, 25-28) It is of the utmost of importance to remember that the sacrifice of animals never atoned for sin. (Heb 10:3-4) They did not before Christ – they do not after.

Only the blood of Christ atoned for all before Him and all after Him – even for those who would believe.

So, why the sacrifice?

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And Can it Be? The Root of “Amazing Love – You are My King”

This song is replete with truth and may be unknown to some of you. This slideshow presentation is good, in that it does not distract from the words. Read the words; hear the words; live the words.