Posts Tagged ‘God’
DailyTheocentrism: “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)
God is not material in the way matter is to us. He needs not, holds not and is pleased not by things. He is pleased with our spiritual service only (Romans 12:1–2) and resides relationally with us much above the world we live in that worships in flesh and lies.
The Church is NOT multi-cultural . . .
Thabiti Anyabwile: “The Church is multi-ethnic, but NOT multi-cultural; it is singular in culture – but not our “former” culture, rather our new culture, the culture of God.”
DailyTheocentrism: If we are [living] against God, who else is there to save us . . . from anything?
Thanks, Dim for sharing this verse with me tonight.
Hosea 13:4-11
13:4 But I am the Lord your God,
who brought you out of Egypt.
Therefore, you must not acknowledge any God but me;
except me there is no Savior.
13:5 I cared for you in the wilderness,
in the dry desert where no water was.
13:6 When they were fed, they became satisfied;
when they were satisfied, they became proud;
as a result, they forgot me!
13:7 So I will pounce on them like a lion;
like a leopard I will lurk by the path.
13:8 I will attack them like a bear robbed of her cubs –
I will rip open their chests.
I will devour them there like a lion –
like a wild animal would tear them apart.
13:9 I will destroy you, O Israel!
Who is there to help you?
13:10 Where then is your king,
that he may save you in all your cities?
Where are your rulers for whom you asked, saying,
“Give me a king and princes”?
13:11 I granted you a king in my anger,
and I will take him away in my wrath!
– Lord, save us from ourselves!
And Can it Be? The Root of “Amazing Love – You are My King”
This song is replete with truth and may be unknown to some of you. This slideshow presentation is good, in that it does not distract from the words. Read the words; hear the words; live the words.
Wow! Bruce Waltke and theistic Evolution
Bruce Waltke, the recently resigned prof from Reformed Theological Seminary – now at Knox Theological Seminary – does some fancy soft-shoeing after being recorded and posted in his views FOR theistic Evolution. Look here for a closer primary source on this issue and here for Justin Taylor’s much-more-expanded-than-mine blog.