Posts Tagged ‘Accountability’
Wow! Bruce Waltke and theistic Evolution
Bruce Waltke, the recently resigned prof from Reformed Theological Seminary – now at Knox Theological Seminary – does some fancy soft-shoeing after being recorded and posted in his views FOR theistic Evolution. Look here for a closer primary source on this issue and here for Justin Taylor’s much-more-expanded-than-mine blog.
DailyTheocentrism: “So they will know that I AM the LORD”-in one statement both grace and judgement from God, depending on who it befalls.
This theme of the Book of Ezekiel has the same two-fold significance that any presentation of the Lord has – a judgment for those who do not know Him and more grace for those who do. The issue here is how one is related to Him. This is not a club, but an intimacy. We are not above others, but connected to Him who is above all. This is where the so-called “non-Lordship” guys really miss it – even those being judged know that He is the LORD.
Question about Prayer and Sovereignty
I will “seed” this open guitar case [Please see AskRob at the top and/or right and hover your pointer over the the button/link to see what that category is for] with a few bucks here by uploading some question dialogs that I have had as of late with some mates from the class I teach. Here is one:
Howdy Rob,
Thanks for sending the extra notes, I’ve been slowing reading through them and it’s been great! These came at a perfect time because I’ve been wanting something new to read/study in the morning and this has been very structured & challenging which I like.
As for my questions, I hope I can word them in a way that makes sense. Also, if you’ve already answered them in class, I apologize, sometimes when I’m taking in a lot of new info, I don’t absorb everything right away. So here goes…(oh and please no rush on these, I realize you are very busy!)
(1) After learning about the attributes of God, I felt confused about the purpose of prayer, or whether it is ok to pray for things (like for someone who is sick, or for help with finances, etc). To clarify, what I mean: Is the purpose of prayer to help open our eyes to the path God has laid out for us and open our hearts to align to His will as opposed for asking for things to change? I know it is always good to praise/thank God, and I often pray that He would guide my steps & show me what is true because I want to do what is right. Or if I am angry I tell God about it and ask for help to process it correctly, or if I really want something (want not need), I might mention it in prayer and then pray that God would show me what He wants in that area and change my heart to match His.
But for example this week, [my daughter] is sick for the first time (horrible!!!) & I have been praying for peaceful sleep for her & quick healing. I don’t know how to explain my question about this type of prayer, but basically I’m wondering if this is the right way to pray about the situation and if not, what is? Is it ever ok to ask specifically for something that is wanted (like her getting well or for us to be able to afford for me to continue to stay home)? And if not, how do we pray about these kinds of things? Likewise, I am not even sure about praying for someones salvation in light of election. Which leads to my next question. Read the rest of this entry »
Francis Chan on speaking truth
I am not very familiar with this pastor yet, but I have to say – I think I am liking him a lot. There is something about taking apart the machine that we have built that WE call Christianity and leaving it behind to walk with the LORD and actually believe the Scriptures and do THEM. If we believe this biblical . . . what are we going to do then? . . .
Ezekiel 18
As the nation of Isreal is being punished for a transgression of God’s diectives enumerated in Deuteronomy 28, the individual is responsible too . . .