Posts Tagged ‘Systematic Theology’

Singing with our brother, Job. Only God can give us this . . .

May we learn a lot from our brother, Job. Good work Systematic Theology Class!

DailyTheocentrism: Omnipresence and Omniscience are the same thing – to be fully aware is to be there.


Psalm 139:2
“Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising.”

Me thou knowest, and all that comes of me. I am observed when I quietly sit down, and marked when I resolutely rise up. My most common and casual acts, my most needful and necessary movements, are noted by thee, and thou knowest the inward thoughts which regulate them. Whether I sink in lowly self-renunciation, or ascend in pride, thou seest the motions of my mind, as well as those of my body. This is a fact to be remembered every moment: sitting down to consider, or rising up to act, we are still seen, known, and read by Jehovah our Lord.

“Thou understandest my thought afar off.”

Before it is my own it is foreknown and comprehended by thee. Though my thought be invisible to the sight, though as yet I be not myself cognizant of the shape it is assuming, yet thou hast it under thy consideration, and thou perceivest its nature, its source, its drift, its result. Never dost thou misjudge or wrongly interpret me, my inmost thought is perfectly understood by thine impartial mind. Though thou shouldst give but a glance at my heart, and see me as one sees a passing meteor moving afar, yet thou wouldst by that g!impse sum up all the meanings of my soul, so transparent is everything to thy piercing glance.

Psalm 139:7
“Whither shall I go from thy spirit?”

Here omnipresence is the theme, – a truth to which omniscience naturally leads up. Not that the Psalmist wished to go from God, or to avoid the power of the divine life; but he asks this question to set forth the fact that no one can escape from the all-pervading being and observation of the Great Invisible Spirit. Observe how the writer makes the matter personal to himself – “Whither shall I go?” It were well if we all thus applied truth to our own cases. It were wise for each one to say – The spirit of the Lord is ever around me: Jehovah is omnipresent to me.

AskRob: A question on initial thoughts regarding Dispensational & Covenant Theologies

Q. I have a question that is probably best answered in a deep discussion, but I am really just looking for you to give me a few resources (online or in print) that would help us out. My accountability friend and I are starting a study of the book of Hebrews. She mentioned that she would also like to look a bit into the arguments for and against Covenant Theology since she has had several friends leave the church over this issue and she would like to have a better understanding of this for discussions with them and her family members in other denominations who believe in Covenant theology. WHEW! This is out of my zone but I’m up for the challenge. John’s got a lot more head knowledge for these types of discussions but I’m willing to learn more about what I believe so that I can have a good discussion with those who believe differently. Since Hebrews is about the Jews who were practicing a hybrid faith, I want to be sure I am not swayed in the wrong path as well. Do you have any starting points for us?


  1. Let me start by providing some starting points. You probably do not need them, but in case its helpful, let me build a perspective – if not, just humor me. ;P

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Excursus on grace, while in Ezekiel

This is the Powerpoint that I mentioned in class today that I would upload. I know there was a lot of references in it. Enjoy!

Grace Excursus for Ezekiel

Wow! Bruce Waltke and theistic Evolution

Bruce Waltke, the recently resigned prof from Reformed Theological Seminary – now at Knox Theological Seminary – does some fancy soft-shoeing after being recorded and posted in his views FOR theistic Evolution. Look here for a closer primary source on this issue and here for Justin Taylor’s much-more-expanded-than-mine blog.