Posts Tagged ‘Sovereignty’
DailyTheocentrism: “Holy, Holy, Holy” – the eternal occupation of the angels in God’s presence . . .
I have though often on these words from Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4. I have tried to image that that was my purpose for existing, as much as I can image from my state of being created for a somewhat different purpose, albeit to worship like that AND more . . . I have then tried to think how I would feel about that.
My first response was, “bored.”
That was 12 years ago. I do not think THAT way anymore, but I am afraid I still don’t get how Holy He is.
I long to . . .
DailyTheocentrism: Life is about God and man . . . and that’s it.
All life came from God (Gen. 1; Col. 1)
Life is about God
Humans are made in the image of God and bear a particular relationship to Him. (Gen. 1-2)
Our lives are about THAT replationship.
Everything else must flow as an extension of those two principles.
We want Shepherds like Him, but not Him . . .
Throughout the Old Testament, the most common themes are:
1. God is Sovereign and our provision and joy in life
2. Mankind wants to condescend Him and pervert His nature to be like us . . . recognizable and iconic
3. God alone is faithful
4. Mankind cannot be faithful
One of the most telling and horrifying – even defining passages of the Old Testament is 1 Samuel 8:7
The Lord said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. NAU1 Sa 8:7
The deception that our mother, Eve, fell for still rings in our ears – go your own way. We want a king like us, for us, from us . . . the heart of idolatry is always self-worship.
I am indebted to some brothers for continually introducing me to more edifying music. Andrew Peterson is one of those musicians. This song is very enlightening. I hope you see it that way, too.
DailyTheocentrism: If we are [living] against God, who else is there to save us . . . from anything?
Thanks, Dim for sharing this verse with me tonight.
Hosea 13:4-11
13:4 But I am the Lord your God,
who brought you out of Egypt.
Therefore, you must not acknowledge any God but me;
except me there is no Savior.
13:5 I cared for you in the wilderness,
in the dry desert where no water was.
13:6 When they were fed, they became satisfied;
when they were satisfied, they became proud;
as a result, they forgot me!
13:7 So I will pounce on them like a lion;
like a leopard I will lurk by the path.
13:8 I will attack them like a bear robbed of her cubs –
I will rip open their chests.
I will devour them there like a lion –
like a wild animal would tear them apart.
13:9 I will destroy you, O Israel!
Who is there to help you?
13:10 Where then is your king,
that he may save you in all your cities?
Where are your rulers for whom you asked, saying,
“Give me a king and princes”?
13:11 I granted you a king in my anger,
and I will take him away in my wrath!
– Lord, save us from ourselves!