Posts Tagged ‘Sovereignty’
DailyTheocentrism: The “Power of Prayer” that changes God’s mind is likened unto Open Theism, aka heresy.
I have heard countless pithy statements like:
– prayer changes things (meaning, “gets things done”)
– there’s power in prayer (just add incantation . . )
– we are empowered by your prayers (man-powered ministry)
– God’s will is activated by prayer (I guess a little leaven . . . )
– I felt your prayers (what’s a little animism between friends?)
I bring these few up among many others to demonstrate how we have it all on it’s head. If prayer does change anything, it changes the one who is praying as they conform the the sovereign will of God. See the Model Prayer for help: Matthew 6:9-13
He is the Creator, Sustainer and Judge. We go to Him to get answers, not give them. And there we find grace and mercy and care.
There is no power in prayer, rather there is power in God.
AskRob: A question on Genesis 18
Q. Hey Rob, Since you said you're a theology nerd, here's a question I've been curiousĀ about for a while. If you're wiped out from your test, you can save this forĀ later, 'cause it's kind of long.
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Prayer, Open Theism and a really hard Sunday School Lesson
Sometimes I really want to stop in the middle of a lesson and take a picture and then show everyone I am teaching what they look like and then ask, “So, what are you thinking?”
Well, at the apex/end of a short overview of the Old Testament wisdom literature and the biblical teaching on wisdom in general, we took two weeks in my Sunday School class on the will of God – defining and determining, last week and this week respectively. As I bit off a 16lb bite of the hamburger this last week, I realized that it would be better if I wrote a bit more to explain a bit more clearly.
Get slideshow here if you want: Will of God
So . . . Read the rest of this entry »