Posts Tagged ‘salvation’
DailyTheocentrism: “Accept Jesus” is a really problematic phrase when speaking of a Sovereign Lord
The verbs that have crept into our so-often, so-called Gospel messages have really troubled me over the years. I know that there is a lot of “receive” language in the New Testament, especially the Gospels, but what of the meaning – and are we supposed to “Accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior?”
Of “accept” I find, Read the rest of this entry »
DailyTheocentrism: Satan speaks 5 “I wills” and God Speaks 5 – only one set comes to pass . . .
Satan speaks 5 “wills” in Is. 14:13-14;
“I will climb up to the sky.
Above the stars of El
I will set up my throne.
I will rule on the mountain of assembly
on the remote slopes of Zaphon.
I will climb up to the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High!” (NET Bible)
God speaks 5 in Luke 1:32-33.
He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end.” (NET Bible)
Only One was able. Only One could bring them to pass.
Prepositional Salvation
We are saved:
- From God
- By God
- To God
- For God
We are often perplexing the masses for a blanket call to “be saved.” The question begged is, “What do we need to be saved from?” We know where this is going: sin, because it’s against God, because He’s Holy, because He will punish . . . and so on. The reality is that not only are we thorougly plagued by a very small view of God, but we are also plagued by a very small view of sin. In Ezekiel, God says. “Is it so small a thing?” Based on how we respond to so much of the sins we encounter, we would answer in the affirmative – no big deal, right?
The reality is that we are not in trouble with sin, rather because of it. This kills us and now death is our enemy (more on that another time). The reality is that the death we receive is at the hand of God and it is His wrath that we need to be saved from, “For the wrath of God . . .” (Romans 1) Since we cannot “save ourselves” we are helpless, hapless and hopeless – were it not for a Savior. It is marvelous that the Savior is God, though. So, truly, we are saved from God, by God.
The Gospel
Christianity is not one of many world religions – it’s reality . . . only because Jesus/God is reality. That is where it must always begin.
God really Is. (Genesis 1:1; Exodus 3:14; Daniel 4:34)
The Godhead is made of of Three Persons, yet Triune as God (Deut. 6:4; Isaiah 45:5; 1 Cor.8:4; Matt. 3:16-17, 28:19; John 1:18, 10:30, 14:9; Col. 1:15-20) unique in Roles and Personhood, but not essence nor being.
This means the Father is God (John 6:27)
Jesus is God (John 20:28-29)
The Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4) {At this point let me mention the obvious that these are but granular sample-texts within a Sahara of truth the Scriptures teach on the subject}
So, there is God and He is before all things, made all things, holds all things together and will bring to account all things – AND He made it all for Himself. (Romans 11:33-36)
That is what is really going on. That is where it must always begin.
An analogy of sin and Christ
When I was a boy, we lived in a rural part of Alabama. We had a creek behind our home and it had countless joys for young boys in it: crawdads (crawfish), cool rocks, snakes, water and mud – lot’s of mud. We spent a many a summer day in that creek and in the evening, as we were being called in for dinner a common scene took place:
Rob approaches the sliding-glass door at the rear of the house bearing the filthy joy of creek-playing hedonism
Dad: “Stop right there! You are not setting foot in this house until you clean up.”
Rob starts to attempt wiping off the mud – only there is mud on his hands and on every part of his body. Only smearing and deeper staining is occurring.
Dad: furrowed-brow looks
Rob: “This isn’t working.”
What Rob needs is an outside source – something clean that can take the filth from him. Rob needs a clean towel and his brother to spray him with a water hose. Without a clean source to take the stains away, there is no hope.
Truly on this side of the analogy AND the sliding glass doors, the fried chicken has never tasted so good.
Thank you, Jesus.