Posts Tagged ‘Old Testament’
Wow! Bruce Waltke and theistic Evolution
Bruce Waltke, the recently resigned prof from Reformed Theological Seminary – now at Knox Theological Seminary – does some fancy soft-shoeing after being recorded and posted in his views FOR theistic Evolution. Look here for a closer primary source on this issue and here for Justin Taylor’s much-more-expanded-than-mine blog.
Ezekiel 28 & Interpreting Prophetic Literature
Since we have been “unplugged” the past two weeks, I will bullet some notes for those of you who would be looking for then from the last two classes (3/14&21/2010) in NewLife. Do take note that the examples that we began looking at and the categories we covered are not exhaustive in the process of interpreting prophetic literature, but provide the facts that:
– Interpreting prophetic literature takes though and work
– A look at genre in the Biblical Corpus is important
– The Bible is Its own genre
– The Bible is meant to be understood
– ****Theme point here**** We must interpret prophetic literature literally until the text requires us to interpret it symbolically.
– The book mentioned that could be a help for this is, Interpreting the Prophetic Word by Willem VanGemeren.
Ezekiel Grace Excursus
One reason WE have the stories of Israel is to serve as instruction on the requirement of obedient holiness and the need for grace.