Posts Tagged ‘God’
It’s not funny . . .
I had heard of this video (Click here) that is on I know that Justin Taylor has blogged about it, as well as many others. You need only to listen to about the first 8 minutes to get it.
My curiosity took the better part of me to look it up, not just because I am a ridiculously curious person, although I am, rather it was because I have experienced this all too often. Here, it is on video with John Piper. Here, it is clear that something is wrong. Here, it is a caricature – a cliche – because these are counselors – so-called, Christian, counselors. This reminds me of some of the conversations I listened to as a young pastor when the older guys would “let their hair down.” I have had to learn how desperately we all need grace, especially those of us that the Lord allows to sit so close to watch Him work – that is pastoral ministry after all, front-row seats to see Him work.
The video tagged above illustrates something I have wanted to say, but have never found/taken the opportunity to say it AS I WAS EXPERIENCING it, for fear of crushing or disproportionately rebuking those I was teaching, or sitting with while another was teaching – or listening with as others were confessing, or reading with as God’s Word was speaking. This is the great anesthesia of the Enemy – to make light of that which matters most and much of that which matters little. We need to wake up, listen – be sober and vigilant – to watch and pray, for our laughter betrays us.
The reality is:
Sin – it’s not funny.
The lost going to hell – it’s not funny.
The heresy of a wolf – it’s not funny.
A sinner getting caught and punished – it’s not funny.
The wrath of God – it’s not funny.
The sacrifice of Christ – it’s not funny.
The weakness of our flesh – it’s not funny.
The tears of a brother – it’s not funny.
In Ezekiel, God, speaking of the greatness of His name and the greatness of Israel’s sin, often asks, “Is it too slight a thing? . . . ”
Is it?
We want Shepherds like Him, but not Him . . .
Throughout the Old Testament, the most common themes are:
1. God is Sovereign and our provision and joy in life
2. Mankind wants to condescend Him and pervert His nature to be like us . . . recognizable and iconic
3. God alone is faithful
4. Mankind cannot be faithful
One of the most telling and horrifying – even defining passages of the Old Testament is 1 Samuel 8:7
The Lord said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. NAU1 Sa 8:7
The deception that our mother, Eve, fell for still rings in our ears – go your own way. We want a king like us, for us, from us . . . the heart of idolatry is always self-worship.
I am indebted to some brothers for continually introducing me to more edifying music. Andrew Peterson is one of those musicians. This song is very enlightening. I hope you see it that way, too.
Jonathan Edwards Resolutions #1: Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God’s glory, and my own good . . .
1. Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God’s glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriad’s of ages hence. Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved to do this, whatever difficulties I meet with, how many and how great soever.