Lessons Repository

Are there Errors in the Bible – slidepack for Apologetics class

See slidepack for review of class lectures and believe well!

Veracity of the Scriptures

Did Jesus Empty Himself of (the use) of His Attributes during the Incarnation?

See here for the slidepack of what Kenow means in Phil. 2:7


Also, you can read this paper on Luke 2:52

Systheo_Term_Paper on Luke 2.52

Find out Friday #5-8

Realized that I never posted these. Slidepack attached and contains some easy ones . . . does mankind have freewill, what about (pedo & credo) baptism, could Christ have sinned (peccability) and how can you know God’s will for your life . . . you know . . . the easy stuff . . .


Find Out Friday at CCS – Questions 9-10

Here is the slidepack for:

9. Does God doubly elect?

10. Is there such a thing as a carnal Christian?



Apologetics Class on If you can lose your salvation

Attached is the Slidepack for the “Freely Choose/Freely Lose” side of the debate.
