Lessons Repository

CCS SysTheo Slides on intro to Theology Proper

If you were asked, “Who is God?” . . . where would you begin?

Creator, Sovereign and Judge

Think: Apologetics class first “reading” assignment

Please go here to read


go here to watch.


You don’t need to worry about the section by Rick Warren. It’s not particularly helpful. Watch or read the other 5. This is a two-week assignment. Look at Renweb for details.


See attached for a blank study guide. This is for you, Will.


Our closing sessions in Systematic Theology at CCS – Issues in Modern Theology – Are you aware? . .

In these slidepacks, Open Theism, The Quest for the Historical Jesus, The New Perspectives on Paul and The Emergent Church are discussed. All of these are various levels of a blight on Christendom and need to be addressed, none more than Open Theism.

We would do well to follow after the once, future king of Israel, David, when he arrived in the Valley of Elah to bring supplies to his brothers at war with the Philistines, as well as gather info to bring back to his father. Coming upon the scene of Goliath of Gath taunting God’s army, David says,

“For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should taunt the armies of the living God?” – 1 Samuel 17:26

A ruddy, small, young man was the only one who got it – no matter who, no matter what and no matter how against the masses and odds it is, when someone speaks against God or His truth- respond. Later, Israel would be nearly consumed by the wrath of God over THEIR defaming God’s name . . .

Believe. Live. Respond.

open theism


SYSTHEO Eschatology: Personal and Universal Eschatology

See attached for slide packs:

Eschatology 1

Eschatology 3