Lessons Repository

DailyTheocentrism: The Divine Will of God and the providential will of God

It must be said that there is an attribute, both eternal and uniquely divine, about God’s will so as to say that it is immovable, immutable and the only reality there will ever be. (Job 42:2)

This is coupled with the fact that He provides some freedom to those who have been reborn and can thus be alive and make choices. It CANNOT be said that man ever has freewill, as a “free-will” would be able to do anything it wants to do anytime it wants to do it – only God can do that. Rather, we live within the realm of responsibility and Divine Sovereignty, as D.A. Carson writes. Yet, how if God’s WILL is sovereign over all can we ever make a choice. Well . . . we can and we cannot.

This is where the principle of complexity needs to replace ideas of contradiction. Two items may only seem to contradict, unless they are elementally opposed – then they contradict. Otherwise, they may be two corollary attributes of a thoroughly complex system. Here that applies to the reality that the tension between say, the imperatives (commands) in Scripture and the fact that God has no thing outside of His WILL, is no tension at all – it only seems to be. This applies to sin and the Sovereignty of God as well. His Will is complex enough to contain His will (providence with man) and it is neither a contradiction, nor a diluting of the integrity of God.

See the illustration below:

God’s providential will (the filial application of God’s Sovereign WILL to His relationship with mankind) lies always within His Sovereign will, namely because it is born out of it – as all things are. Yet, it is within the complexity of His will a real realm of [limited] choice – namely to please or not to please Father. These two categories are essential to even begin a dialog on the Will/will of God. For truly, no thing can ever thwart the WILL of God.

CCS SysTheo Mid-term 1 Exam Study Guide

Anyone else wanna take a shot at this . . . ?

SYSTHEO mid quarter 1

SYSTHEO mid quarter 1

CCS Apologetics Find Out Friday 8.17.12

Find out Friday is something that I built into my apologetics curriculum last year. I wanted to know where the students were in there understanding and acceptance of Christian Doctrine, so I asked if they would write down for me anything that they either struggled with, didn’t understand or didn’t believe. That request produced 89 unique questions . . . 89. Apologetics classes are first for the students, for you cannot guide another toward a truth that you, yourself, to not embrace or understand. Truly, truly, I say to you, one cannot make a disciple of Jesus unless the ARE a disciple of Jesus. So, I set to dialoguing with them over these questions and now do it for each upcoming class. It proves to be a highlight of our educational journeys.

This is the first installment of the 2012-2013 year. Even though we didn’t get passed the first questions in two of the classes, here is the entire pack. Maybe an ambitious beginning . . .



CCS SysTheo: How do we talk of God?


CCS Slides on the Perfections/Attributes of God


CCS Apologetics: The Creeds as Apologetics

Attached are the slidepacks for the lesson on the Creeds. Do you believe?

Creeds as Apologetics