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CCS Apologetics Find Out Friday 8.17.12
Find out Friday is something that I built into my apologetics curriculum last year. I wanted to know where the students were in there understanding and acceptance of Christian Doctrine, so I asked if they would write down for me anything that they either struggled with, didn’t understand or didn’t believe. That request produced 89 unique questions . . . 89. Apologetics classes are first for the students, for you cannot guide another toward a truth that you, yourself, to not embrace or understand. Truly, truly, I say to you, one cannot make a disciple of Jesus unless the ARE a disciple of Jesus. So, I set to dialoguing with them over these questions and now do it for each upcoming class. It proves to be a highlight of our educational journeys.
This is the first installment of the 2012-2013 year. Even though we didn’t get passed the first questions in two of the classes, here is the entire pack. Maybe an ambitious beginning . . .