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CCS Apologetics Find Out Friday 8.17.12

Find out Friday is something that I built into my apologetics curriculum last year. I wanted to know where the students were in there understanding and acceptance of Christian Doctrine, so I asked if they would write down for me anything that they either struggled with, didn’t understand or didn’t believe. That request produced 89 unique questions . . . 89. Apologetics classes are first for the students, for you cannot guide another toward a truth that you, yourself, to not embrace or understand. Truly, truly, I say to you, one cannot make a disciple of Jesus unless the ARE a disciple of Jesus. So, I set to dialoguing with them over these questions and now do it for each upcoming class. It proves to be a highlight of our educational journeys.

This is the first installment of the 2012-2013 year. Even though we didn’t get passed the first questions in two of the classes, here is the entire pack. Maybe an ambitious beginning . . .



CCS SysTheo: How do we talk of God?


CCS Slides on the Perfections/Attributes of God


CCS Apologetics: The Creeds as Apologetics

Attached are the slidepacks for the lesson on the Creeds. Do you believe?

Creeds as Apologetics

CCS SysTheo Slides on intro to Theology Proper

If you were asked, “Who is God?” . . . where would you begin?

Creator, Sovereign and Judge

Think: Apologetics class first “reading” assignment

Please go here to read


go here to watch.


You don’t need to worry about the section by Rick Warren. It’s not particularly helpful. Watch or read the other 5. This is a two-week assignment. Look at Renweb for details.