Archive for January 2016

“Jesus was truly a human, but not like any other human . . .”

Hey, Systheologians! Here are the slide packs for the next exam on what we covered regarding the Incarnation.

See the movie we watched:

Below are the slide packs on the meaning behind what was accomplished in the incarnation and the proposed approaches to understanding Luke 2:52 and Philippians 2:1-11.

Works of Jesus


Study Guide: SYSTHEO midquarter 3EXAMguide 2016

Help for Junior Thesis

Requirements and Schedule:

Junior Thesis Schedule and Details

On the Cover Page, just replace unique information.


Here is attached an example cover sheet:

Cover-Page – Template

Here is my paper on 1 John 5:7-8:

Comma Johanneum

Appendix 1 for 1 John 5.7-8

Bibliography for 1 John 5.8

Table of Contents for comma

The Comma Johanneum (PowerPoint)

Bibliography-for-1-John-5.8-1 PLUS ANNOTATED EXAMPLE