When you have faith in Jesus – well, that means A LOT
2 Corinthians 1:24
Below is a good addition to the subject of how the Cross of Christ is to be, as Piper puts it, the Blazing Center of the life not wasted – a proper life, a life lived for the purpose for which it was given. This is what saddens me regarding those who get caught up in the Lordship/Free Grace debate who say something like, “all you have to do is ‘believe’ in Jesus – anything else is works.” As if believing is so shallow, so sterile. Believing in, or having faith in (Greek, pistis is the same root for both “believe” and “faith”) is profoundly exhaustive as a total-life change/revolution/redemption/directive. He is everything and to have faith in Him is to connect to the One who is the center of life. To believe is whole life – the means and the end.
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