Posts Tagged ‘Exegesis’

Ezekiel 28 & Interpreting Prophetic Literature

Since we have been “unplugged” the past two weeks, I will bullet some notes for those of you who would be looking for then from the last two classes (3/14&21/2010) in NewLife. Do take note that the examples that we began looking at and the categories we covered are not exhaustive in the process of interpreting prophetic literature, but provide the facts that:

– Interpreting prophetic literature takes though and work

– A look at genre in the Biblical Corpus is important

– The Bible is Its own genre

– The Bible is meant to be understood

– ****Theme point here**** We must interpret prophetic literature literally until the text requires us to interpret it symbolically.

– The book mentioned that could be a help for this is, Interpreting the Prophetic Word by Willem VanGemeren.

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