Posts Tagged ‘theology’

PP File for SysTheo OT Sonship work

See attached for the slide pack for the work accomplished in class for CCS SysTheo class on the Sonship of God in the Old Testament. Great work to all involved! NOTE: The info in these slides will contain material that you are tested on, regardless of what might have leaked into your notes. 🙂

SysTheo Sonship Presentations


DailyTheocentrism: The sum of all divine doctrines is simply Jesus Christ- Luther

Luther’s Epistle Sermons: Epiphany, Easter and Pentecost (Minneapolis, Minnesota; The Luther Press; 1909) Excerpted from a sermon titled: The Fruits of Faith. Our Spiritual Service. Preached on the first Sunday after Epiphany on Romans 12:1-6p. eBook