Author Archive
Celebrity and the foolishness of God
Great article here:
I estimate that the most profitable remark, even above such a great post, is the comment at the bottom by Louis.
DailyTheocentrism:To be less into you . . .
The problem with trying to be humble to combat selfishness and pride is that you are still focused on YOU! The only way to kill self-pride is to put all your focus on another. The way we learn to not be so into ourselves is by being so into Christ. When we make much of Him – the only one who deserves praise – when we make much of Him, our appetites to make much of ourselves fades away. Let go of the monster . . .
To be less into you, you need to be more into Christ- then humility is born out of the fruit of your love for Christ.
DailyTheocentrism: The difference between us and the Bible: the Bible = Two Authors; Us = only one
Had a great talk with a brother over hermeneutics this morning and we talked about everything from the need to read, read, read the Bible to interpret properly, to senses plenoir, to Christ in the Old Testament, to Riceour’s thesis that Life is a Text. Good morning.
As we discussed, we talked about our utter dependence on the Scriptural content, because it is unique in a Holy-Spirit-Authored existence. God’s intent was sure before there was history, before people, before us, before me. So, in His self-revelation, there are truths that make time look useless and it (the Bible) is as living and fresh today as it has always been. This does not relieve the difficulty of handling it well, in it’s proper context(s), but does provide assurance of veracity as well as guidance in meaning.
God is our maker, our holder, our revelation, our revealer, our teacher, life . . . our author.