Francis Chan on speaking truth
I am not very familiar with this pastor yet, but I have to say – I think I am liking him a lot. There is something about taking apart the machine that we have built that WE call Christianity and leaving it behind to walk with the LORD and actually believe the Scriptures and do THEM. If we believe this biblical . . . what are we going to do then? . . .
Thanks so much for this post. I’ve had so many questions of late about some of these same issues. My confusion (or reluctance to apply the truth) has been a major motivation for me to go to seminary and examine in-depth what Scripture has to say about church. If you’ve got any more thoughts about this, I’d love to hear them. Keep up the good work.
I have a lot more thoughts – some still a bit fuzzy . . . let’s dialog, though. What might be a couple of specific questions?
Wow. How weak and shallow and prideful I am. Thanks for posting this clip.
Gina and I recently went to a Focus On You Marriage simulcast event. Francis Chan was the first speaker. He compelled us to strive to love and know God more than our spouses, because this is the only way to have a truly balanced marriage. After, his challenge, all the other relationship-help stuff seemed not to matter.
When Chan returned back to his church, he preached the sermon, “Lukewarm and Loving it”, which bears a lot of what he says here. I know that it seems that main application of his paradigm shift is helping the poor and suffering, yet we do not forget his book Crazy Love. Below is that sermon in entirety. More on this type of subject to follow . . .
Lukewarm and Loving it