DailyTheocentrism:To be less into you . . .
The problem with trying to be humble to combat selfishness and pride is that you are still focused on YOU! The only way to kill self-pride is to put all your focus on another. The way we learn to not be so into ourselves is by being so into Christ. When we make much of Him – the only one who deserves praise – when we make much of Him, our appetites to make much of ourselves fades away. Let go of the monster . . .
To be less into you, you need to be more into Christ- then humility is born out of the fruit of your love for Christ.
“The solution to low self esteem is NOT high self esteem!!! IT IS STILL PREOCCUPATION WITH SELF (like Rob states above). We need NO SELF ESTEEM!!! ONLY ESTEEM (value, regard, revere, praise, Prize) HIM, CHRIST OUR GOD!!!” (MacDonald) The civilized, educated, lost and dying world says the opposite. What are you listening, and heeding, to? He says over and over to DENY SELF (your esteem), pick up your cross (your death), and follow Him. That is, ESTEEM HIM, the infinitely valuable Prize of all…TRUE AND EVERLASTING LIFE, JESUS THE CHRIST, GOD HIMSELF!!!
I’ve found that the one person who gets between me and Jesus most often is me. The big jerk. Every time I get worried about my own salvation or my inability to meet my own standard of holiness I have to remember that it’s not Christ who I’m trying to please but myself. The worst part of this is that I love myself so much that I can’t get my eyes off of myself to realize that I’m staring at myself to begin with. I think that’s the most annoying thing of all – this false sense of humility that sets in when I am so concerned about my own performance.
You get it exactly right – the best and first attack on that issue is to stop focusing on the “problem” and refocus on Christ, His cross, and what He’s done for us. When that happens, everything else will fall into place.