Posts Tagged ‘Christianity’

The Church is NOT multi-cultural . . .

Thabiti Anyabwile: “The Church is multi-ethnic, but NOT multi-cultural; it is singular in culture – but not our “former” culture, rather our new culture, the culture of God.”

And Can it Be? The Root of “Amazing Love – You are My King”

This song is replete with truth and may be unknown to some of you. This slideshow presentation is good, in that it does not distract from the words. Read the words; hear the words; live the words.

Wow! Bruce Waltke and theistic Evolution

Bruce Waltke, the recently resigned prof from Reformed Theological Seminary – now at Knox Theological Seminary – does some fancy soft-shoeing after being recorded and posted in his views FOR theistic Evolution. Look here for a closer primary source on this issue and here for Justin Taylor’s much-more-expanded-than-mine blog.

What it means to be held

This song was born out of dealing with the messiness of life and the results of a sin-wrecked world. He will never leave us – those who know Him through His Son – but, what comfort is there for those who do not?

May we weep for humanity and call with loud voices to the strong and able hand of the Good Shepherd.

DailyTheocentrisms:Two great Twitter posts on some implications of Christ’s work

Because Christians find refuge, not in what we can do, but in what Christ has done, we don’t need to save face; we r free to admit r faults

Because Christians locate their identity in Christ’s achievement & not our own, we can admit our weaknesses freely without feeling deflated