Posts Tagged ‘R.C. Sproul’

Class is beginning and it is time to Think!

The Desiring God conference 2010 was called “Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God.” To begin this year in Apologetics at CCS, we need to be provoked to Think! This is assignment #1. Watch the goals of the conference here and then read the book found here that was born from it.




As an option, you can watch the sermons found here, instead of reading the book. You DO NOT need to watch the panel discussions, interviews or the book presentation. NOTE NUMBER TWO: YOU ONLY HAVE TO WATCH 5 SERMONS – YOU PICK.


Think: Apologetics class first “reading” assignment

Please go here to read


go here to watch.


You don’t need to worry about the section by Rick Warren. It’s not particularly helpful. Watch or read the other 5. This is a two-week assignment. Look at Renweb for details.