Archive for March 2010

Francis Chan on speaking truth

I am not very familiar with this pastor yet, but I have to say – I think I am liking him a lot. There is something about taking apart the machine that we have built that WE call Christianity and leaving it behind to walk with the LORD and actually believe the Scriptures and do THEM. If we believe this biblical . . . what are we going to do then? . . .

Al Mohler Tweet

albertmohler “Both beauty and ugliness have an immediate evidential power, the one pointing to truth & goodness the other to error and evil.” Thom. Dubay

This goes well with a discussion on affections that I have been having with many of you through this blog/facebook/twitter and with a dear friend in person today.

The Role of Seminary to the Modern Pastor

The call to ministry is a call to preparation.

James tells us in his epistle, “Let not many of you become teachers, for you shall incur a stricter judgment.” (3:1) This verse is found in a discussion on the tongue and speaking toward the primary result of a call to ministry – namely, telling.  With this sobering perspective, what of those who have plowed forth full of heart , but empty of hand and head because they forfeited the call to preparation? . . .

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From Bo’s Blog – “We are Far too Easy Pleased” C.S. Lewis

We Are Far Too Easily Pleased


Posted by bo in Musings

Ezekiel 28 & Interpreting Prophetic Literature

Since we have been “unplugged” the past two weeks, I will bullet some notes for those of you who would be looking for then from the last two classes (3/14&21/2010) in NewLife. Do take note that the examples that we began looking at and the categories we covered are not exhaustive in the process of interpreting prophetic literature, but provide the facts that:

– Interpreting prophetic literature takes though and work

– A look at genre in the Biblical Corpus is important

– The Bible is Its own genre

– The Bible is meant to be understood

– ****Theme point here**** We must interpret prophetic literature literally until the text requires us to interpret it symbolically.

– The book mentioned that could be a help for this is, Interpreting the Prophetic Word by Willem VanGemeren.

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